There is this Shell factory in Ft. Myers that has a petting zoo with a nature walk. We went there when kylie was about 2 and I was pregnant with Chandler. ( the heat killed me)
So we invited My mom along since everyone else was out of town and headed up. It was wonderful to see Kylie enjoy the animals and even Chandler. He is at that age where he is pointing to everything he wants, and does this little growl that we all love.
The thing we love about this place is u can get up close and personal with the animals. Literally you can walk into this one caged area where huge turtles walk right to you and peacocks spread there wings and lizards and other birds it's amazing. U can stand right close to alligators and feed them food. Also, there is a petting zoo and you can feed the goats, donkeys and see zebras etc. I have some pictures
Hope you all enjoy :)
This place is money worth spent. Like i said you can't get that close and personal with other animals :)
That sounds like fun. We haven't been there yet. We will have to try it out!!!