Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day at the Beach

Kylie used to not like the beach. We would take her and she would just scream, because the sand was making her dirty. She finally got over it and loves it now, actually a little to well. She wants to just go to the water and do it all herself. :/ 

Chandler loves the water and the sand. He even likes the way it tastes :) hahaha
He wants to shovel sand into the bucket like Kylie does, but cant do it himself yet. Loving sister he has will trade buckets as she fills them up. These kiddos play so good together, they love each other for the most part.
They do fight over toys, but eventually work it out.

Here are some pictures of our fun day....enjoy :)

Cute little boy playing

Getting some sand to eat!! O yummy :)

I love to throw sand off my shovel

Kylie all amess :)

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See they love to still toys

She usually get's it until he scream's....then she has to give it back :)

We love these kiddos so much! They bring much joy and love into our everyday lifes. Kylies always has something new to say and Chandler always has some new attitude or new way to show off. We love you Kylie and Chandler :)